David Watson | GMC# 2921774

  • Self Employed Hamilton Medical Group
  • GP

Archived Declarations

May 9, 2019

Benefits received from pharmaceutical companies

Company Reason for receipt of fees Total amount received
Novartis Adviser on clinical trial BECOME £2000 - £5000
Novartis Advisory Board for Erenumab £2000 - £5000
Pfizer Chair meeting £100- £1000
Allergan Advisory Board Botox £1000- £2000
Teva Travel to Education meeting £100- £1000
Novartis Travel to education meeting £100- £1000

Other sources of income or benefits from other organisations relevant to medical practice

Company Reason for receipt of fees Total amount received
National Education Scotland Lecture fee £100- £1000
British Association Headache Travel to education meeting £100- £1000
Migraine Trust Travel to attend MTIS and give lecture £100- £1000

Other Declarations

Work as GPSI headache SIGN 155 group member , medical management of migraine