Dr Amy Rogers | GMC# 6024696

  • University of Dundee
  • Clinical Research Fellow

Archived Declarations

Nov. 11, 2016

Research grants paid by private institutions to your department

Company Reason for receipt of fees Total amount received
Menarini Academic Grant funding for the Febuxostat versus Allopurinol Streamlined Trial (FAST) £100000+
British Heart Foundation Academic Grant funding for the Treatment in Evening versus Morning (TIME) study £100000+
NIHR HTA Academic Grant funding for the Allopurinol and cardiovascular outcomes in patients with ischaemic heart disease (ALL-HEART) trial £100000+

Other Declarations

I am a member of the Royal College of General Practitioners and the British Medical Association. I am a member of the Scottish National Party.

My mother is a non-executive board member of NHS Tayside.