Brian Little | GMC# 2785949

  • Moorfields Eye Hospital
  • Consultant Ophthalmologist

Archived Declarations

Jan. 20, 2014

Benefits received from pharmaceutical companies

Company Reason for receipt of fees Total amount received
Alcon UK Ltd Chairman & Faculty of Annual free Symposium on advanced cataract surgical techniques for senior surgeons. Travel expenses only. £100- £1000
Bausch & Lomb Ltd Consultancy fees and travel expenses: Member of B&L "Insights" Board. Meets twice annually; current and future developments in cataract surgery £2000 - £5000
Bausch & Lomb Ltd Chariman and Faculty. "Complex Cataract" course, a one-day free training course run quarterly for senior surgeons £5000 - £10000
Microsurgical Technology (MST) Informal occasional meetings to discuss microsurgical instrument design, usually at international meetings over dinner. £100- £1000

Fees directly received from other medical companies

Company Reason for receipt of fees Total amount received
Eyemovies Ltd Honorary Medical Director & principal author of cataract surgery volume of Video Atlas of Eye Surgery, receiving royalties £2000 - £5000